Hard Life of Animals in Saudi Arabia rss

Hard life of animals in Saudi Arabia

There are really very bad conditions for dogs, cats and other animals in the most of pet shops (for example one of the cruelest is pet shop Life & Nature in Riyadh). Dogs and cats are kept in small cages with show window so they are like in aquarium. They must stay on concrete or grates (also small puppies!), are closed in cages all the time and nobody leaves them to walk. Fresh clean water should be available all the time but it is not (not even for nursing females!). Dogs and cats get water usually only two times daily for short time.

Autor: Marcela  |  Vydáno: 8.12.2008  |  Přečteno: 20260x

And what does Islam says about it?

I have been studying Islam in context with animal rights and it's interesting that although The Holy Koran is one of the earliest records authenticating animal rights. Islam is one of the few religions which specifically endorses rights to animals and acknowledges they are an important part of Allah's creation, our world and, as such, we are expected to show respect and a responsibility toward them.

Autor: Marcela  |  Vydáno: 8.12.2008  |  Přečteno: 16856x